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The Center for Digital Education published its annual report:
Technology Innovation in Education

From the compelling data and case studies in the report, five main points emerge:

  1. The recession has gravely impacted K-12 and Higher Education technology investment.
  2. Technology use among students and educators is growing and diversifying; especially mobile devices.
  3. Strategic planning, particularly respecting infrastructure and standards, is necessary to effective educational technology use in the future.
  4. Training and support, especially for educators, are essential to effective educational technology use in the future.
  5. Models of effective practice for planning, investment, and training already exist in our schools.  Capable leadership involves making use of those models and the people on the ground who are driving them.

The report sums with this conclusion;

“When proper technology professional development is in place; teachers are able to better deliver a lesson, students are more informed digital citizens and administrators effectively implement technology that is aligned with learning objectives and standards.” P.13.

I put it thus: Staff development will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no staff development.